Monday, September 17, 2012

September House District meeting and voter guide distribution

The election is coming before we know it and we have some work to do!   Please come join us for our monthly house district meeting on Tuesday, September 25th and get fired up to get everyone to the polls (or to mail in their ballots). If the voter guides are available in time for the meeting, we will have a "stuffing party" to get them ready to be distributed.   We need as many people as possible to make this huge task much easier, so please come and bring some friends! 
The meeting officially starts at 7 pm, but feel free to come early to eat, drink, and socialize. Please note that we are back at C. B. & Potts this month. The address is 6575 S. Greenwood Plaza Blvd., Englewood.  See you there! 

A reminder to all PCPs:  distributing the voter guides is the MOST important job you have this year and we have 80,000 (yes, you read that right - 80,000!) guides to distribute in House District 37 in a short period of time before the mail-in ballots arrive.  Obviously, the more people we have to do this huge job, the better!  So, please plan on attending (or hosting) a stuffing party very soon.  We will have many opportunities to help stuff the voter guides.  More details to come!  Also, we have many precincts without a PCP, so if you can "adopt" a precinct to distribute the voter guides, that would be helpful.

I hope to see you all soon!
Best wishes,
Kristen Buckley
House District 37 Democrats

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