Hello HD 37 Democrats!
The fall is quickly setting upon us, and election season is starting to kick into high gear. I'd like to thank those of you who have been working hard all summer to put Joe Miklosi and our other wonderful candidates on the cusp of November victories. However, as the leaves change and the days shorten, it is time once again to re-double our efforts in order to ensure that Arapahoe County is delivered safely out of Tea Party Extremist Mike Coffman's hands and into the leadership of Joe Miklosi.
A recent poll showed us within their four-point margin of error, indicating that this race truly will be just as close as it was billed to be. Even more significantly, the poll showed that 24% of the vote is still undecided. This means that the election, for all intents and purposes, will be decided on the ground. The work that you and I do between now and November 6th will truly make the difference between a Tea Party voice representing us in Congress and electing a strong Progressive leader to be our next Representative.
Friends, please join me and the Miklosi team on Wednesday, September 12th at 7:00 pm for an organizational meeting discussing our strategy and get-out-the-vote plans for the final stretch of the election. Come meet your friends, neighbors, and the Miklosi staff and learn how you can personally play a huge role in electing your next U.S. Congressman. See you there!
This meeting will be held at Joe Milkosi's office at 10730 E. Bethany Dr. Suite 280 in Aurora (next door to the Arapahoe Dems headquarters).
-- Sincerely,