Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Rockies game fundraiser and a small correction

The Arapahoe Dems is selling tickets to this weekend's Rockies game versus the Diamondbacks for a fundraiser.  The game is on Sunday, September 23rd at 1:10 pm.  The tickets are in section 309.  We are askin $20.00 per ticket and we must sell at least 10 more to make money on this fundraiser.  Please go to www.arapahoedems.org to pruchase your tickets.  John and I will be there and it's fun to go in a group!  They will also recognize the Arapahoe Dems on the scoreboard during the game.  So come join us, enjoy some baseball, and spend time with your friends!
One correction from my last communication.  The 80,000 doors to distribute voter guides is county-wide (oops), HD 37 has about 10,000 doors.  Not as many, but still a HUGE task.  Please do what you can to help in this task - any help is appreciated!  We should be getting the materials to put the voter guides together at the end of September.  They will have to be put together and then distributed before the mail-in ballots arrive on October 15th!  So, think about a date that you may be able to invite some friends over to stuff the voter guides and then be prepared to get them to the doors!
Thanks again for your help,

Kristen Buckley
House District 37 Democrats

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