Friday, August 17, 2012

Fundraising Event for Ethan Feldman for District Attorney

Dear Friends--

Please join us at a Fundraising Event for Ethan Feldman for District Attorney
for the 18th Judicial District.

This event is hosted by Lucie Stanish, Mary McGlone and Diana Holland at
Lucie's business, Downtown Dinners (see attached flyer).

Sunday, August 26, 2012  --  11:00 am-1:00 pm

at Downtown Dinners  -  Broadridge Shopping Center
6905 So Broadway #75, Littleton (at Broadway and Ridge Road)

We are supporting Ethan for two reasons.  The District Attorney Office is
critical to the safety of our community and to seeking justice and assistance
for victims.  We have known and worked with Ethan Feldman and believe he is
the best candidate and will serve our community well as our new District

Ethan Feldman has served our community for over three decades as a
prosecutor, an attorney and an Arapahoe County Court Judge.  He's devoted his entire
career to the same core principles: safeguarding our community and achieving
justice for victims of crime.

In order to get there we have an election to win in November – and make no
mistake...this will be a very aggressive campaign.  Ethan's rival won a
contentious GOP primary and has proved to be a formidable opponent.  The 18th
Judicial District encompasses four counties: Arapahoe, Douglas, Elbert and
Lincoln, and consists of almost a million citizens.  While our initial
efforts have been promising, we have massive leg work ahead in order to reach all
those voters!

Success is going to require a strong organization and we all know what that
means:  money.  Campaign materials including brochures, fliers, yard signs
and advertising are extremely expensive whether mailed or walked.  So, my

We're turning to you for the support we need in order to get the job done to
elect Ethan.  We hope you can join us on Sunday, August 26th to visit with
Ethan and support his campaign.

If you are unable to join us you can contribute to Ethan at --  Thank you for your support!

Diana Holland

Kristen Buckley
House District 37 Democrats

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