The meeting was called to order by HD 37 Chair, Vineta Campau at 7:00 pm.
Thank you to Patrick Anderson for setting up the website: Dave Golias is the web master.
Guest Speakers:
Patrick Anderson, new city councilman for Ward III. He is also 2nd Vice Chair for the Arapahoe Democrats.
Home Rule Charter Commission, Bill Stokey.

They meet every Thursday and about every other Saturday. He encouraged everyone to attend for public comment at the city building in the council chambers. Check out their website through a link through Tuesday Feb 12th 6:20 pm is the next public meeting.
Mike Collins, Candidate for CD 6, US House of Representatives.
Straw poll results:
59 voters
Barack Obama, 18 votes, 30.5%
John Edwards & Hillary Clinton, 17 votes each, 29% each
Undecided, 4 votes, 7%
Dennis Kucinich, 3 votes, 5%
Diana Holland, explaining the caucus. 2 years ago at Arapahoe High School we had 200 voters. This year they are anticipating 3 times that. In Nevada there were 116,000 at this past caucus. People are excited and turning out. There is no absentee voting, you must show up at Newton Middle School on Tuesday February 5th at 7 pm. Be there by 6 pm please. There will be overflow parking.
This Caucus is run by the Democrats, not the County Clerk. Participants will check in and be given a name tag with their precinct number. Then show-up at your precinct location at the school. To participate you must be a registered Democrat. The Caucus locations are listed on the Arapahoe County Democrats website.
The Caucus will elect a Chair and Secretary for the Caucus only. The first thing we will do is a Presidential Straw Poll. Do the math – what are the numbers – who qualifies as a viable candidate. Inform everyone that supports a non-viable candidate they can switch.
Next do the official preferential poll. That figure will be reported. Next allocate the delegates based on your result.
The county convention will be either Saturday 3-1 or 3-8 at a ytbd location. State convention is Saturday May 17th at the World Arena in Colorado Springs.
Photos from the "maucus" that was held:

The meeting was adjourned at 8:18 pm.
Attendance 63