From: Betty Harris <>
Date: Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 4:00 PM
Subject: You Are Invited!!
The GrassCatcher
presented by HD38 Democrats as a way to communicate what some of us are doing locally.
Editor is Betty Harris, HD38 Chair (all the errors are mine)
Contents: (probably in this order)
Talkabout Series (date changed to May 5th)
Pancake Breakfast (May 18th)
TalkAbout Series Spring 2013
Saturday, May 4th.
Session I. 10 a.m. To 12:30 a.m.
(This part is a potluck event. Participants are asked to prepare a dish from organically grown ingredients.)
Part 1. Paula Szilard, Master Gardener will present a slide presentation on how to convert your lawn to garden. What kind of plants to grow, how to mix annual vegetables and perential fruit producing plants and bushes in such as way as to make them look like a well landscaped area.
Part 2. Tom Abood, local attorney interested in the localization of foods will talk about how to become part of a Community Scored Agriculture program where you pay to get a weekly or monthy assortment of locally grown organic foods.
Part 3. Liz Wise, owner of Growise, a Lakewood garden and plant shop will do a presentation on What You Can Really Grow in Colorado. This is important because our growing conditions and seasons are so different from other parts of the country that one can save time and money by knowing ahead of time what will really work.
Part 4. Lunch together. Those that wish to stay for the tour are welcome to do so.
Session II. 1 to 4 pm.
Solar Home Tour. Explore how the owners of this house, built in 1963 have retrofitted it for cleaner energy and more sustainable living. The home has solar PV planels on the roof, a geothermal heat system blended with solar thermal panels that provide domestic hot water and hot water baseboard heat (using the original hot water baseboard system). Owners will also give you a tour of the grounds which no longer has a lawn. Ask questions, learn what you can do yourself.
Location is 6281 S Cedar St., Littleton, 80120. This is about 4 blocks south of Bemis Library on Datura to Fair Ave and take a right turn to Cedar. RSVP for both parts is necessary for homeowner and presentation planning purposes. Please call 720.560.3806
Pancake Breakfast
May 18th, 7 a.m. To 11 a.m.
Andrew Romanoff will speak at 9 a.m.
1500 West Littleton Blvd in the Woodlawn Shopping Center
between Datura Street and Windermere Street.
$5 for anyone over 12
$2 for anyone younger.
We want you to come and have fun with us and also help to put this program together to make it happen.
Our excellent team of volunteers are so good that we can put this together without having a meeting in between...
The following volunteer efforts will be needed:
1. people to help set up the space on Friday evening, May 17th. the location is 1500 W. Littleton Blvd (next to the Family Dollar Store) We will get the property owner to allow us to put up the banners the week before with a poster that says when, etc... We need about 6-8 people for about an hour and half...
2. people to help clean up and take everything down on Sat between 11 am. and 12 Noon. We need about 6 people but 8 will make the job easier..
3. Volunteers to help from 6 a.m. to 11 a.m. for running the event.. specifics jobs will be...
someone to keep the coffee brewed, keep supplies at the beverage table, etc..
someone to help with the cooking,
people to help with serving,
people to guide attendees to the checkin table...
people to run this table to take money and stamp the hands for those that have paid.
people to help with making things move smoothly.
4. Volunteers to help with the silent auction: Setting it up, monitoring it, helping with getting the money from the winning bidders, getting anything left to someone's location to hold until next year.
5. Face painters? People who can play the piano...
1. table cloths for the tables.
2. card tables and any kind of folding tables, chairs (please mark all items that you loan with your name in a spot where it will not come off so we can make sure you get it back)
3. large coffee makers (30 cups?)
Trash cans for collecting plates, food, bottles, etc..
Paper plates, plastic utensils, paper napkins, paper cups (hot and cold beverages), stir sticks for coffee
Coffee for brewing... decaf and regular
coffee creamer and sweeteners...such as splenda, sugar, sweet and low or stevia (no aspartame please)
orange juice in bottles so we don't have to mix it.
Syrup - regular and sugar free
pancake batter mix
We will pay a caterer to cook the bacon and sausage.. We will need donations of veggie sausages and a grill to cook them on.
Silent Auction Items: Please contact Paula Szilard about how and what to donate. Email her at or call her at 303.347.2426
Baskets and or gift bags.
a complete basket of items to be auctioned off or
individual items that can be grouped into baskets.
themes such as:
items for Dad since Father's Day will be coming up.
personal care items
Decorative items for home.
Art work of your own or ??
gardening tools, pots, etc... or any kind of grouping of things such as plants, natural fertilizers, trowels, pots, etc..
Kids packets for entertaining such as crayons, paper, water based markers, etc.
What other ideas do you have?
Lots of people to come and eat on May 18th. bring family, friends, etc...
Let me know, via email or phone if you can participate in any way with this project.. The goal is to net $1000 as we've done in the past.
Price of Breakfast will be $5 for anyone 12 and over and $2 for younger children.
With your help this should be both an extremely fun event and profitable.
______________________________________________________________________________ You may as well express your view on anything in the to your State Rep, who doesn't represent you? Or Mark Udall or Michael Bennet or Mike Coffman or President Obama - Email the President. |
"Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier." - Mother Teresa