Greetings friends!
We made a LOT of progress getting voter guides stuffed on Monday but we still have work to do!
Please join us along with our friends from HD 56 to continue stuffing voter guides and getting them to the PCP's to be distributed. Kimberly Roy is our host and will provide some snacks and drinks but please feel free to bring your favorite game time snacks and drinks as well. Be sure to wear your Broncos gear so we can cheer on the Broncos to victory while we work and enjoy time with out friends!
The party will be held this coming Sunday, October 7th at 2 pm at Kimberly Roy's home at 16750 East Prentice Circle, Centennial 80015 in the Piney Creek subdivision.
The mail-in ballots get mailed on October 15th, so the ideal time to distribute the voter guides will be the 3-4 days prior to the 15th. If you have to distribute them earlier due to schedule conflicts, please do so. The more people on the ground distributing voter guides, the easier it is. We are mailing voter guides to 5 precincts in HD 37, so those PCP's can help by "adopting" a precinct without a PCP. Please try to stop by Kimberly's house to pick up your voter guides even if you don't have time to stay for the party.
Also, please feel free to call me and I will make sure the voter guides, lists, and maps get to you. If you get a voice mail, please leave a message. I am a nurse, so I am often not able to answer the phone when I'm at work, but I do return voice mails as soon as possible.
I hope to see you soon!
Kristen Buckley
House District 37 Democrats