Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Angela Engel, author of Seeds of Tomorrow; Solutions for Improving our Children's Education

Here is some information about our next speaker for our House District meeting on February 28th. 



Angela Engel, Executive Director


Angela Engel is the author of Seeds of Tomorrow; Solutions for Improving our Children's Education.

Her teaching career began in 1991 when she founded a mentoring program for inner city youth. She has taught in both suburban and urban schools; private and public; and elementary and high-school. She is a mother of two, Grace (14) and Sophie (12). She continues to unite teachers, parents, and students in improving public education.  She currently is a facilitator for the Family Leadership Training Institute; promoting civic engagement and leadership.


Her policy experience began with her race for the Colorado House of Representatives in 2006. She has help design several legislative bills including the Parental Rights Bill and the Senate Resolution opposing No Child Left Behind.


Previously, she served as project director for the 2008 Children's Action Agenda, organizing children's advocacy groups from around the state on a common legislative platform with many of the initiatives being adopted by the Colorado legislature. In 2006, Engel was a candidate for the Colorado House of Representatives in HD37, earning 49 percent of the vote and bipartisan support.


She received her bachelor's degree in communication and her teaching certificate from the University of Denver. In earned master's degree in curriculum and instruction in 2004 from the University of Colorado – Denver.





Now comes another piece of legislation by our stalwart Representative, an unwavering voice for meaningful education, Representative Judy Solano.  On Thursday, February 23rd at the capitol in room 0112 House Bill 1091 will be debated.  This bill will reduce CSAP testing to federal requirements and will use the savings to allow some 3,500 children to participate in pre-school programs.  It would be wonderful if some of you could come to the Capitol next Thursday morning.  Here are the details:
When:  February 23, about 9:30 AM

Where:  Room 0112 - basement of the capitol

The debate:  HB 1091 to reduce CSAP testing to federal requirements and use the savings for pre-school programs.


Let's continue to inch the wheel of history forward toward more humane policies of education.


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