Hi Progressive Friends and Neighbors,
Here's your chance to meet and get to know Joe Miklosi, our Democratic
candidate for U.S. Congress in Congressional District (CD) 6! Learn how
Joe is willing, ready, and able to take on and defeat Rep. Mike Coffman!
With the newly drawn COMPETITIVE CD6 boundaries, we have a REAL
OPPORTUNITY to win this congressional seat and get a U.S. Congressman
who will actually listen to us and represent OUR values and interests.
Rep. Coffman cannot be defeated without OUR support - GET INVOLVED!
WHEN: Friday, December 9, 5:30-7:30pm
WHERE: The Knolls Clubhouse, 3400 E. Geddes Dr.,(near Arapahoe Rd.
and Colorado Blvd.) in West Centennial
Please join us, ask your questions, share your opinions, and re-connect with
other involved neighbors.
Please forward this invitation to any of your friends and neighbors!
If you have questions, please contact:
Pam Gail: 720-308-1535, DeAndrea_Gail@yahoo.com or
Anita Burbank-Jenkins: 303-798-3481, aebjenk@gmail.com
Laurie Ritchie
HD37 Chair