As the convention and election season draws closer, we want to be able to communicate quickly & broadly. Today, we have well over 1000 subscribers to our e-mail & website update list! We'd like to double that ... which may sound like an aggressive goal. However, if each one of you asks just one friend or family member to subscribe, our goal is accomplished!
YOUR ACTION: Forward this e-mailed article to at least one friend, and invite them to attend our next HD37 Dems event.
FRIEND'S or FAMILY'S ACTION: Please visit us at to see what we are all about, subscribe to our updates by entering your e-mail address in the box at the top of the right hand column of the website, and visit with us at our next HD37 Dems event!
REMINDER TO ALL for next HD37 Monthly Meeting - Tuesday, May 27, 2008:
Special Guest Speaker John Brackney, President of the South Metro Chamber of Commerce, PLUS Candidate Updates - including our HD37 Candidate Diana Holland - visit
(HD37 Meetings are generally the FOURTH Tuesday of each month)
6 p.m. Eat/Drink (for those who want to) - 7 p.m. Meeting CB & Potts Restaurant6575 Greenwood Plaza Blvd.(West of Yosemite & North of Arapahoe - next to United Artists Theater)
Regular monthly meetings will be the 4th Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. - at CB & Potts. REGRETS ONLY to HD37 Chair Vineta Campau at or 303-713-9714.